The clear choice for production.

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Our Services

Film Production

Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus.

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Creative Production

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TVC Production

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Haven’t seen enough? Check out all our projects


Fischer has supported the “all female skiing” project of freeride pro Sandra Lahnsteiner from the very beginning. Fischer is very proud to be the partner for Shades of Winter as Sandra set a new standard for female athletes in freeski movies.

Jan Weiss

Head of Division Alpine at Fischer Sports

We believe that those who defy limits inspire the world. The Shades of Winter athletes each have a passion and vision, which has reshaped their sports – they stand as heroes set to inspire future generations. These athletes and their drive to do the remarkable matches the LifeProof ethos – we are proud to be part of this game-changing project.


GoPro is transforming the way people visually capture and share their lives and has become a standard for how people capture themselves engaged in their interests, whatever they may be. Since the Shades of Winter film crew and athletes have been doing an amazing job in capturing various creative angles with GoPro in their shoots in the past, it was a natural fit to partner up for the upcoming Shades of Winter project. The Shades of Winter crew is incredibly creative and we are stocked to see an all girls crew taking female freeskiing and surfing to the next level ultimately inspiring others to go out and live a bigger life


Blue Tomato stands for team spirit and professionalism. Founded in 1988 Blue Tomato has developed into one of Europe’ s largest winter sport and fashion shops. We live and breathe our business, sport and lifestyle. We share our spirit and enthusiasm with our customers, colleagues and partners. Therefore, we are proud to collaborate with such a great project as Shades of Winter. The female athletes are handpicked professionals and mountain-addicts, such as we are at Blue Tomato.

Blue Tomato

The Shades of Winter project is one of the most interesting initiatives on the freeskiing scene. The core scene is dominated by male skiers, we believe supporting projects like this will change that and that’ s also why Peak Performance have a ski team where half of the riders are female. The professional attitude and highly set goals for this movie gives all the riders an opportunity to express themselves as skiers on the highest level. It is definitely something that will lead to many good things.

Anders Gustavsson

Team Manager at Peak Performance

When passion meets fascinatino and performance, spectacular things happen.
Shades of Winter and its unique protagonists not only convince on the mountains but also with their personality. The project offers the exclusive opportunity to learn more about the person behind the athlete and the close friendships that were born around the world. This approach enables Shades of Winter a characteristic and exceptional profile and strikes a new path. Likewise BMW does with its freeride engagement. The new BMW X1 and the intelligent all-wheel drive system supports the Shades of Winter protagonists during their world tour and is the perfect companion to find the best snow on exceptional freeride hot spots.

BMW Mountains


Since years we have one of the best female teams in the freeski scene. It was always tricky to give them a spot in one of the movie productions. Most of the film companies have worked with one ore two women. For us was clear: freeskiing is not only a men’ s sport. We need the women on the mountains and we have the responsibility to give them the opportunity to ski in movies and show their best skiing. Then Shades of Winter was born and it was out of question for us to be part of this. Now we are in the third year of Shades of Winter and we are so happy and proud to be part of such a good project and idea.

Jean Claude Pedrolini

Marketing Manager Völkl International

Our Crew

Suspendisse gravida elementum lacus, amae suada tortor sollicitudin ut. Donec pharetra metus.

Winning Awards


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